Pegasus Community Centre

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Consultation has concluded.

With the District continuing to grow, Council has been considering options for a new facility to service the Pegasus community.

The Woodend/ Pegasus area is expected to grow to a community of over 12,000 residents by 2048, and we will need new community facilities to accommodate the increase in population.

A new facility will be needed to accommodate the growing population

To meet needs in the interim, Council began leasing the current Pegasus Community Centre on Tahuna Street, Pegasus. The Pegasus Residents Association has been successfully managing and operating this centre since 2017, however the lease for this property is due to expire in June 2025.

In 2020 / 21 Council undertook a feasibility study that looked at the current and future needs of community facilities in the Pegasus/ North Woodend area. Following extensive consultation and research, the feasibility study determined that both Pegasus and North Woodend communities would require a multi-use community facility building.

Subsequently, Council set aside funding in the 2021-31 Long Term plan to purchase land for community facilities. For the Pegasus area, funding was allocated to build a 400m2 facility between the 2023-25 financial years.

Two locations are being considered 

Over the past 18 months, we have been working on options for the purchase of land and design of a community facility in Pegasus. Several possible locations were identified, but ultimately Waitaki Reserve was deemed to be the most appropriate Council-owned land. Then in 2022, Council was approached by Templeton Group with a proposal to build a community facility as part of a planned town centre development.

There are benefits to both proposals

Both options are comparable in cost to build, size of the facility, services available, urban location, costs to run and parking and public transport availability.

Option One is Council-owned land and is adjacent to the already established retail activity and the health hub.

Option Two is further away from residential properties. It has more surrounding land for future growth and would be developed as part of a wider town centre development proposed by Templeton Group.

Want to know more?

If you want more information, you can drop in and talk to one of the team at our drop in session at the Pegasus Community Centre (8 Tahuna Street) on Wednesday 8 March from 6pm-7:30pm.

Have your say

We want to know which location you prefer for a future Pegasus Community Centre:

Option One: Waitaki Reserve (1 Te Kohanga Drive, Pegasus)

Option Two: Templeton Development (66 Pegasus Main Street, Pegasus)

Complete the survey below before 5pm on Wednesday 15 March 2023.

Next Steps

Once consultation has ended and public feedback has been received, staff will present the findings and seek permission from Council to progress the preferred option. Depending on the preferred option, this may include a tender process for design and build of the new facility.

With the District continuing to grow, Council has been considering options for a new facility to service the Pegasus community.

The Woodend/ Pegasus area is expected to grow to a community of over 12,000 residents by 2048, and we will need new community facilities to accommodate the increase in population.

A new facility will be needed to accommodate the growing population

To meet needs in the interim, Council began leasing the current Pegasus Community Centre on Tahuna Street, Pegasus. The Pegasus Residents Association has been successfully managing and operating this centre since 2017, however the lease for this property is due to expire in June 2025.

In 2020 / 21 Council undertook a feasibility study that looked at the current and future needs of community facilities in the Pegasus/ North Woodend area. Following extensive consultation and research, the feasibility study determined that both Pegasus and North Woodend communities would require a multi-use community facility building.

Subsequently, Council set aside funding in the 2021-31 Long Term plan to purchase land for community facilities. For the Pegasus area, funding was allocated to build a 400m2 facility between the 2023-25 financial years.

Two locations are being considered 

Over the past 18 months, we have been working on options for the purchase of land and design of a community facility in Pegasus. Several possible locations were identified, but ultimately Waitaki Reserve was deemed to be the most appropriate Council-owned land. Then in 2022, Council was approached by Templeton Group with a proposal to build a community facility as part of a planned town centre development.

There are benefits to both proposals

Both options are comparable in cost to build, size of the facility, services available, urban location, costs to run and parking and public transport availability.

Option One is Council-owned land and is adjacent to the already established retail activity and the health hub.

Option Two is further away from residential properties. It has more surrounding land for future growth and would be developed as part of a wider town centre development proposed by Templeton Group.

Want to know more?

If you want more information, you can drop in and talk to one of the team at our drop in session at the Pegasus Community Centre (8 Tahuna Street) on Wednesday 8 March from 6pm-7:30pm.

Have your say

We want to know which location you prefer for a future Pegasus Community Centre:

Option One: Waitaki Reserve (1 Te Kohanga Drive, Pegasus)

Option Two: Templeton Development (66 Pegasus Main Street, Pegasus)

Complete the survey below before 5pm on Wednesday 15 March 2023.

Next Steps

Once consultation has ended and public feedback has been received, staff will present the findings and seek permission from Council to progress the preferred option. Depending on the preferred option, this may include a tender process for design and build of the new facility.

Consultation has concluded.

CLOSED: This quick poll has concluded.
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Which is you preferred location for the proposed Pegasus Community Centre:

Option One: Waitaki Reserve
Option Two: Templeton Development
Total Votes : 75